Are you tired of feeling drab and going unnoticed by others?

Would you like to be able to go shopping and immediately know which are your WOW colours that will enhance your natural beauty?
Would you like to walk into your wardrobe feeling excited by what you see instead of thinking, 'I have nothing to wear!'

Sign up now to work out your WOW colours!

This course is for any person who wants to learn how to discover their WOW colours so they can look and feel amazing.

You may be:

  • A young adult who is developing your personal style and wanting to learn how to dress for success
  • A more mature person who is wanting to add a bit of colour to your life but not sure where to start
  • Someone who is clueless about colour but curious as to how it affects how we look and feel
  • Someone who knows something about colour but wants to verify if what they know is true

Upon completion of this course you should be able to:

  • Identify the four colour seasons
  • Understand what key factors determine your WOW colours
  • Confidently select your WOW colour clothing

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About the instructor

Senior Instructor

Jodi Martin

When I was first starting my career back in the 90's, I realised that I needed some help to present a professional image, so I had a colour analysis done.  This put me ahead of the pack and saved me a lot of time and wasted resources because from an early age I knew what would work best for me.  It also drew a lot of compliments which helped to build my self-esteem.Fast forward 20 years in Change Management working as a Consultant to some very large and prominent business brands in Australia & New Zealand, I have experienced a lot of different workplaces, at all levels including the Executive level.   I have paid particular attention to the way that people use colour to influence the way they are perceived.Combined with my personal interest in Personal Styling, I have spent countless hours learning the best way to dress to impress.  I have also been a team leader in a leading network marketing company in the skincare & beauty industry, where I have trained teams of consultants and have gained skill and expertise in skin care and makeup.With a special interest in personal development, I am also a certified Realise2Strengths Profiling Consultant and I love working with people to help them to identify and make the most of their natural skills and abilities.I bring all of this experience to the table, delivering to you a unique understanding of how to achieve change through my passion for colour analysis and I am excited to share this knowledge with you to save you time, money and effort.  

Course Curriculum

  • 1

    1.0 Style with Ease Colour Basics Introduction

  • 2

    2.0 What is Colour Me Beautiful's Natural Beauty Colour Seasons Framework and how does it work?

    • 2.1 Nature's Secrets to Finding Your WOW Colour Season

    • 2.2 Winter Season

    • Q4 Winter Season Quiz

    • 2.3 Summer Season

    • Q5 Summer Quiz

    • 2.4 Autumn Season

    • Q6 Autumn Season Quiz

    • 2.5 Spring Season

    • Q7 Spring Season Quiz

  • 3

    3.0 How to tell what your WOW colours are without using drapes

    • 3.1 First Steps in Deciding Your WOW Colours Palette

    • 3.2 The Four Indicators of Your Wow Season Colours

    • 3. 3 Working Out Your Skin Tones Overview

    • A1 My Colour Analysis without Drapes Project

    • A2 Dress to Impress Assignment

    • 3.4 Your Colour Personality Shopping Tips

  • 4

    4.0 Tools to help you work with colours

    • 4.1 Exploring The Seasons with Pinterest

    • 4.2 The WOW Colour Difference

    • A3 Your WOW Colour Hunt

    • 4.3 Tips for Working with your WOW Colour

Do you want to look and feel amazing, with compliments flowing in to build your self-esteem?

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